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Show Me Where to Begin » Prepare for Death Wisely

Talking about death doesn’t come easy for most people. So if the topic of death and dying makes you feel a bit uneasy, you’re not alone.

At the same time, death is a part of life. It’s something that we all experience—the loss of those we know and love, and ultimately, our own death.

We created DeathWise® to change the conversation about death and dying. To bring death out of the shadows and into the daylight. Ignoring death or denying its existence doesn’t make it go away. And deep down, we all know it’s still there.

If we avoid planning for death, it doesn’t really help anybody. When death does come, being unprepared can make the experience a lot more challenging, both for ourself and for those we leave behind.

Our goal is to help you become DeathWise—wiser about death, wiser about how to prepare for it, and wiser about how to deal with it when a friend or family member dies.

We’ll help you learn about, talk about, and make decisions about the many issues related to death—including financial, healthcare, the body, funeral or memorial service, and how to give and receive emotional support.

Explore the website. Use the tools. Make your own end-of-life wishes clear. Then help your family and friends with their pre-planning.

Once you’ve prepared for death, you may even feel a new sense of freedom, and a resolve to live every day of your life to the fullest.

So why wait any longer?

Let’s get started!

Organize financial records
Make healthcare decisions
Decide on care of the body
Plan the funeral or memorial service
Get emotional support

Use the Map Tool to plan and document end-of-life wishes.